An initiative by the Structural Timber Association

The design process

The best way to realise the benefits of using structural timber, is to engage with a manufacturer right at the start, before you sign off designs. Engaging early gives you the opportunity to see how a project designed for structural timber can create benefits both operationally and commercially.

Sharing your proposed designs with a structural timber manufacturer, gives you and your team time to discuss efficiencies, establish any special requirements and how they can be met, check system detailing, load bearing requirements and any other aspect of the design that could benefit from an alteration to streamline the build, without losing the integrity of the design.

Engaging early can save time and cost before committing to final designs. Once you’ve then finalised designs, they should be agreed with all parties and frozen, ready for manufacture.

Differential Movement

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Design guide to separating distances during construction - CLT

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Design guide to separating distances during construction - Timber Frame

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